Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kieara Crisp: Materials and Render Layers (week 6/week 9)

I modified my midterm model and made it into a fictional Buddhist Temple. The material used on lattice was chrome with 10% Frosted glass. The windows on the building wings are the mental ray car paint and the glass featured inside the conceptual "nirvana" is water with 10% glass.

---Exterior Lattice = 10% Pearl Finish
                    10% Thin Glass
                    80% Frosted Glass

---Interior Lattice (of nirvanna structure) =  25% Physical Glass
                                                                      75% Chrome

---Nirvana Glass = 90% Frosted Glass
                               10% Rubber

---Exterior Lattice = 10% Pearl Finish
                                  10% Stained Metal 
                                  80% Rubber
---Interior Lattice (of nirvanna structure) = 100% Rubber

---Nirvana Glass = 980% Glazed Ceramic
                               10% Transluscent Plastic Film\
                               10% Thin Glass

 Ambient Occlusion
Surface Shader

Master Layer

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