Saturday, April 30, 2011

Andrew Emmet: Model Crashes

Hey I was reworking one of the models I had already done.
I added a variance to the size of the modules and wanted to create a skyscraper. The first image is just the tower itself. The second is of studies of the tangled swirling form I wanted.
I merged the modules and tried to wrap them to a box to deform. This is how I did it last time (with a smaller model), but everytime I do it now, it crashes. I cleared the history, tried it on an unmodulated scale piece, and worked with simpler polycubes but it doesnt work. I love this form and have it sketched in my notebook like that, finally glad to see i could match it in maya... and the skin wont take the form! So frustrating!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Jon Sandoval: Deformation plane experiment

So I was messing around with making a deformation of a plane using practically all the tools and got a a wave like plane which I thought could be a great installation piece as a space people would travel through. So I figured I would use the P.Scott script to it as a layer of complexity but ended up with a strange parametric truss like object which was a happy accident. Now my hopes are to try to figure out how to multiply this truss across a plane or spline of some sort if any one can help or has a script that could do so I would like to add this to a form I can work with during the next half of the quarter. See reference of a structure complex multiple by Skylar Tibbits of Cambridge,Mass. titled : Logic matter. also this all has reminded me of a model study I did in studio of tessellated surfaces as a study of spatial voids also see my reference image of the model above. This type of stuff excites me at this point and the possibilities of these forms as spatial structures is something I would like to incorporate in a digital study.

Andrew Emmet: Image Plane Problem

Hey I was trying to use an image plane to create a sunset background for my image. I also set up a physical sunsky lighting. I hid the mia_physical sky node in the camera attribute editor and assigned an image like in the lynda tutorial. However, the image is showing up all hazy and the lighting is dimmed. how do I get the same directional even lighting and still use an image for the environment?
The top is the desire lighting with just the autosky. The second is the image I want. Third is the dull version I'm getting

Jon Sandoval: Vernoi rock shatter experiment

Heres an example of an experiment on a sphere poly object split 20 times than moved separate shattered pieces to give the sphere a more "exploded" look. I thought it could be cool giving it one of those motion media type styles you see on MTV commercial breaks & etc.(see referenced image) The only problem when rendering in a production Motion blur is my ambient occlusion isn't apparent although it is set to 500, not sure if i should check the caching option?

Week 5 Inspiration: Edgar Street Towers by Iwamoto Scott

As we enter into the second half of the quarter we will be turning our focus from modeling to lighting and rendering for architectural visualization. Looking towards our final we will be producing 4 images. Two will focus on the exterior of our architectonic structure and Two will focus on the interior.

San Francisco architects IwamotoScott have completed a design study for a tower (above, right) straddling a street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The proposal was commissioned by New York’s Downtown Alliance as part of the Greenwich South project, a study into how to transform a 41 acre-site south of the World Trade Center site.

The Edgar Street Tower Visualizations by Iwamoto Scott provides a template for the development of your final images.

Exterior Image 1: Site/Urban Context

One of your exterior images should present your model in context to its site. It can be integrated into a photograph which shows the existing urban context with the proposed structure.

Feel free to choose a time of day or view that will express its relationships to the surrounding architecture. You will generally want to use a wide angle view for this visualization. Also try to use contrast to create emphasis that focuses on your subject. You want to guide the audiences eye to the important aspects of your illustration.

You may also choose to use a dramatic or dynamic point of view to express the relationship of your visualization to its site or urban context. In each case the visualization should provide insights into the form, structure, material and scale relationships of your subject to its background. You may also choose to generate an urban context digitally.

Nightscapes provide a way to add a sense of drama to your visualizations and to create emphasis using light.

Exterior Image 2: Pedestrian Context

The second visualization should express the pedestrian experience and interaction with your model at the street level.

This model will provide both a sense of scale and materiality that happens at a human scale. It is very important to include images of people and other elements that will provide that important sense of scale and materiality for your visualization.

Interior Visualizations:

Interior Consideration 1: Structural and Material Components

You will be creating two visualizations that depict the interior of your architectural models. The Interior renderings should focus on the structural and material elements that comprise the interior of your model. Try to create the most dramatic images view sheds that you can. You want to the viewer to gain an insight into the spatial dynamics of your structure.

Interior Consideration 2: Light and Shadow painting

Your interior visualizations you should also express how light works within your architectural model. You should consider the following factors. How does light fenestrate as it moves from the exterior environment into the interior of my structure. What are the direct and indirect light sources contained in the model. Finally how is shadow painting used to define the interior forms and create a sense of mood and drama in your visualizations?

These visualizations provide a good model and framework to work from.

Design Daily: Edgar Street Towers by Iwamoto Scott

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bartholomew Mangold: Spiral script

I've been trying to find an easy way to make a spiral around a sphere, and I found a spiral generator script that lets you pick a surface for the spiral to follow. The script is pretty limited but it does do a pretty good job of following the geometry of the surface. It would be nice if the spiral was parametrically related to the surface but it's not, also it doesn't really let you change the number of coils.

Bartholomew Mangold: Tower scripts

These are two really simple towers and city scenes that I modeled using scripts and a twist deformation. The first tower is made from a object spread script, it spreads an object (a cube) along an edge, face, or vertex. I added a twist to make it kind of like the turning torso by Calatrava. The city scene is made from Qtown. The second tower is made from kludge city and also has a twist deformation, and the city is also Qtown.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Andrew Emmet: Module Practice

Created these renderings to help illustrate the idea of a vertical farm concept. I imagined this form as a series of terrariums integrated like citrus vesicles onto some structure.
I rendered scenes through the seasons, and as if there were a leak in the system spilling into an alley way. Also included are some general test renders.
This way intended as practice for duplicate:special, using ewcArray and module creation in general.

Kirrah Allen Form Deformations

Here is the model that I was working on in Maya. I used a series of tools that included twist, flare, and lattice deformers, as well as three MEL scripts: QTown, Mirror, and Super Extrude.

Andrew Emmet: Deformer Practice

I was practicing duplicate:special effects with deformers, twist, ripple, bend, taper etc.
I also played around with dialectic materials and generative context scripts.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jon Sandoval: Experiential Visualization

I finally finished up a perspective of the torus from last week with a experiential type rendering with some fans for scale. possible stadium?

Jose Mendez: Deformations,Duplicate special and icQTown script Exploration

Using the duplicate special tool I was able to create this architectural from. I used the extrude tool to give my form some depth. I also used the flare and twist deformation tools to further modify the form. By using the icQTown script I was able to create a cityscape around my architectural form.

Pedro Pesantes - Mobius- Scripts

For this mobius form, I tessellated the surface into quads and then extruded the faces to create a thickness. I then scaled down the exterior faces and made them different materials. I also applied the rendering script from creative crash, however I modified it to be brighter and have better shadow qualities.