Below are my final renderings using a model that I used for midterm. After changing the materials of the building I was inspired to create an arctic scene for the form because it reminded me of a modern igloo. Wintery scenes were created with snow created using the noise filter Photoshop as well as adding cold puffs of smoke. The mood i was trying to create was being at a local run resort and its both calming and slightly off putting because of the chill.
Below are my final renderings; I used the model I developed for midterm, adding interiors and fixing some issues with the exterior plates. The exterior material is a modified mia_material_x pearl finish. Increased and tinted ambient occlusion completed the material. The floor is a blinn material with a solid fractal pattern. Interior Lights include an area light coming up from the underground area, one spotlight and one pin light. As is evident, extensive photoshopping was done to bring in color glows, increase contrast, and add people and reference elements. :)
To create my final model i simply created a polygonal pyramid. Once selecting the faces i extruded the shape and smoothed it. Then Using an Array mel. script i was able to array the same shape multiple times as a tower with a small twist. Afterwards using the deformation twist and bend tool i was able to transform the tower into a mobius strip. Then a sphere was created and placed in the middle to give the shape hierarchy and balance. As it is then rendered at a floating or flying city or space station.
In the renderings, image based lighting and an image plane is used to create a "photo realistic" appearance. In Photoshop the levels, vibrance and contrast were altered to match the background.
here are my finals. the first two images, i tried to create scenes within the same time of day. while the other two are during noon and late afternoon. the building sets within a high rise city and integrated with traffic roads.
For the interior views I use physical sun sky shader, area light with portal light shader and global illumination. I overlayed master, mask, AO and Reflection rendering layer to give the shadow and reflection.
This model I develop from miterm. I use three loft and mesh combine each other to create the form and extrude the surface. I use the similar stratery rendering and give distict spatial experiences.
This is one model I develop from the beginning of the class. I sculpt a torus and use selection tool create detail, extrude the surface and give diffferent materials. I use QTown Mel to give the site content. I use master, mask, AO and Reflection rendering layer generate from Maya and finally compositing in Photoshop. This model I focus on exterior and give bird view and pedestrain view.
this is my final project, it is a combination of everything we learned this quarter, from nerbs modeling to polygonal modeling to interior and exterior lighting to render passes and render layers. In this project, I wanted to create a Residential Tower or Art Museum. The shape(s) are poyl cubes with an extrude faces (keep faces together not checked) than i checked the keep faces together, to create the windows and the frame system for the structure. than ran a MEL script to dupilcate and detach those faces to create windows. added materials and started to make render layers and start the process of saving the images as TIFF's and then i used photoshop to create (my little lie) what you see above. I used Qtown2.0 to create the city context, and scaled and placed my design with in and rendered. for the exterior shots, and for in the interior shots i used this same design one was takeing from the sculptural room the white material rooms as seen in the exterior, and the last image is of the abstract painting room, located under the sculptural room as seen with cut outs of the "mass" to show the structure.
The renders are made up of one of my midterm models, a torus adjusted using the deformation and basic move tools with soft select and the extrude operation. The views are set against fall scenes of a park and the form begins to act as twisted jungle gym. I used a diffuse layer and a mask to isolate the individual components and an ambient occulsion pass to bring out the realistic qualities of the structure.
This project is representing everything we learn in Maya. From nurbs to rendering by layers. This is one of the models I created in class and i have been working with it since then. Creating interior spaces that are interesting and exterior language that makes this building unique. The exterior reminds me of a science fiction city, which is represented in both exterior perspectives. After rendering in Maya, I used Photoshop to make the render more real and to put context in it. I was playing with different type of skins that I can apply to different designs. At the end the different skins became a science fiction building.
Below are some images I'm inspired by for the exterior final project visualizations. They are: illustration by Feng Zhu, Tower of Babel by Maciej Nisztuk, and BladeRunner by Ridley Scott.
For my final project I used two direct lights on the structure with a master layer and ambient occlusion for shadows. A surface shader was applied to photoshop in order to select the different layers. For the interior shots, a blurred triangle shape was applied to give the illusion of sunlight shining in. For the exterior, the environment was rendered in Maya in order to acheive the shadow reflection in the water.
My midterm project was applied to a modern evnironment with the application of master layer and ambient occlusion in order to receive shadows. A reflection in the pool was crearted in photoshop.