To create the vases I first made a surface cylinder and I erased both the top and bottom. Then I selected the vertex int he bottom and I scaled it down to create the roundness in the bottom. Then I used a flare deformer and a squash deformer to create the shapes.By playing around with the properties I created this very different shapes. To "bake" the vases I deleted the history.

This pillows were created with a different method I created some curves and then lofted them together. I DON'T recommend it the result was not as neat and it took a long time. It is better to use the polygon method I posted before. For the long cylindrical cushion I first created a cylinder and I extruded a small circle along a path for the trim along the edge.

Frames: This are some frames that i created. I made them by using polygons. Then I selected some faces and extruded them to create the frames.

Glass of wine: This glass of wine was created by using the revolve tool.
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