This is the latest model that I created by using the deformation tools (flare, twist, bend, and squash). along with the deformation tools, I used a mel script called scMirrorBlend to get the outer shape to replicate one another, as well as the ewc_Array, to pile the rectangle shape, another mel script called PS_MultipleCamera (to set up all of the view angles at once. and QTown scripts were used to complete the context.

This model was completed during week 4. In this model I used a mel script called Advance Mirror (http://www.creativecrash.com/maya/downloads/scripts-plugins/modeling/misc/c/advanced-maya-mirror-tool) and Super Extrude, as well as several deformation tools (flare, squash and flare). The model was completed with the use of Qtown.

This model was completed during week 3. The second image was how the model originally looked, the top image is the slight improvements that were made to the model. This form was created with the use of polygons and the Honeycomb script.

This was one of my first models that I completed for my set of form studies. The last image is the original model. In my modifications, I change the NURBS into polygons and use the Super Extrude mel script to create the mesh that surrounds the shape.
Nice work. please hyperlink the mel scripts that you used to their sources on creative crash. again nice work.
ReplyDeleteCould you also render the images at the larger 1290x960 size. render settings common.